
Manual Therapy

Tissue & Joint Manipulation

Manual therapy is a physical therapy technique that utilizes skilled, hands-on techniques to assist in passive mobilization of tissues of the body.

How Manual
Therapy Works

Manual therapy can address joint or soft tissue restrictions. Rachelle obtained her manual therapy certification through the North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy. The program was an intensive 5 year process that was the single most effective and educational coursework she received, second only to her original physical therapy degree coursework. Rachelle successfully completed the COMT certification with distinction in 2010. Learn more about NAIOMT.

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Step 1:
Treat the Pain

Determine the pain generator and treat the acute pain.

Step 2:
Find the Cause

Identify and address the root cause and/or secondary problem.

Step 3:
Continue Healing

Establish continuity visits and home program to continue feeling great!

Our Treatment Process

Step 1:
Treat the Pain

Determine the pain generator and treat the acute pain.

Step 2:
Find the Cause

Identify and address the root cause and/or secondary problem.

Step 3:
Continue Healing

Establish continuity visits and home program to continue feeling great

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Trinity PT Success Stories

“Coming to Physical Therapy and working with Rachelle helped me realize that I can still do all those things that I wanted to do that were fun.”

From herniated disc to competitive horseback riding.

Trinity PT