Introducing a whole new format…
This is not your average yoga.
We focus on helping you regulate your nervous system, tap into new perspectives, and develop the neuro-muscular pathways to the smaller stabilizer muscles so you can strengthen in a more effective way.

Small Group Yoga Sessions
- These 11-week quarterly sessions are limited to 5 participants for a more personalized practice.
- Participants receive a recording of each weekly session and get access to our on-demand video portal to practice between in-person sessions.
- These groups session are interactive and for you, so questions are encouraged!
- Participants get first chance to re-enrollment in the next 11-week session. Since sessions are tailored to enrollees, each 11-week session will differ as needed.
- Registration required prior to session start date. Participants will attend the same session(s) each week.
- Pro-rated passes are available to join an 11-week session already in progress if there is an open spot.
Now Enrolling for Upcoming Sessions!

2024 Session 4: October 8 – December 23
2025 Session 1: January 6 – March 21
2025 Session 2: April 7 – June 20
Fridays | 9:00am | 60min. | Rachelle
Our Small Group-Movement Basics practice works on skills to help make daily functional activity easier and safer with yoga postures and principles as a guide. Skills we’ll work on will help with getting up & down off the floor, getting in & out of a car, reaching hard to get to places, standing on one leg, walking on uneven surfaces. Participants can expect to be challenged in a supportive way, and incorporate mindful breath with mindful movement to promote mobility and stability. We will use props and supports such as walls and chairs as needed.
Who is a good fit for this session?
- Older adults
- Anyone with mild physical disability or temporary functional limitation
- Anyone with impaired balance
- Anyone with POTS or other dizziness symptoms
- Anyone who needs a cane for support or balance
- Those who are post surgery with significant changes to mobility
- Not sure if you are a good fit? Give us a call, we would love to chat!
Mondays | 4:30pm | 60min | Rachelle
Tuesdays | 12:00pm | 45min | Suzanne
Thursdays | 12:00pm | 45min | Suzanne
Small Group-Skills & Flow practice settles the nervous system, steadies the brain, increases self-awareness, and develops the neuromuscular pathway to stabilizer muscles to increase strength and mobility. Participants can expect grounding, skills work, and fluid movement to improve stamina.
Who is a good fit for these sessions?
- Anyone 30+ looking to reshape their body and their perspective
- Anyone who wants to keep their [bleep] together when life gets [bleepy]
- Anyone with chronic pain or nagging injury flare-ups
- Those who want to laugh at a joke or sneeze and not pee your pants
- Those who want to pick something up off the ground (like yourself or a kiddo) with ease
- Anyone who wants to be strong & steady and blow the aging stigma to bits!
There are only 5 participants in each class so spots are filling up! Enroll today!

A village of satisfied yogis

“Yoga at OPY is like jazz music. Once you known the rules, you can break the rules.”
~Marcia B.
“Rachelle’s class is always a revelation!”
~Barb K.
“Suzanne’s kind, gentle and patient approach is amazing. She taught me how engage muscles so that I get full benefit from the poses. I’m hooked.”
~Debbie R