
For 3 1/2 years Teddy has been without his walking buddy. His owner, “Reba”, had lost 25 lbs due to dysphasia of unknown origin, had severe chronic pain especially in the low back warranting several doctors and a trip to Mayo Clinic and was diagnosed with a chronic liver disorder.

Reba tried all manner of treatments for her pain from land PT to aquatic PT to several different kinds of pain medications. It was her aquatic physical therapist who finally referred Reba to me. “I really hope you can help her, Rachelle. We’ve done all we can here.” Her therapist pleaded with me.

It was a really rough couple of years. With the extreme weight loss came diminished strength. The debilitating back pain kept Reba from doing even the simplest of daily function, including her daily walks with Teddy. In the middle of it all, Reba lost both of her parents within months of each other and was severed from her job.

Most people would resign themselves to depression or a lifetime of suffering. But Reba refused to give up. It was finally a combination of CranioSacral Therapy (and very gradual progression of exercise) and acupuncture that got Reba on the mend.

Despite the rough times, Reba continued to show up. She did the work- physically and emotionally. And today she tells such a different story.

“I am so glad you get to see the real
me now! I am learning how to manage my pain and still love life.”

And that makes Teddy so very happy because now he has his walking buddy back. Thank you, Reba, for being such an inspiration!

Trinity PT