
Two years ago tomorrow, ”Susan” sat in her crushed car, fearful and panicked as she waited for the jaws of life to pry her car away from her. A week later she was recovering from reconstructive surgery for compound fractures in her arm and leg. Surgery was followed by a lengthy hospital stay. Within a week of discharge from the hospital, “Susan” was in outpatient physical therapy with me.

Compounded by a history of two chronic pain diagnoses, “Susan” struggled with pain control. She was limited to a wheelchair and non weight bearing in one leg and could barely move her arm, but despite all this she was determined to get back to life.

Two years, one more surgery and 77 visits of physical therapy later, you can hardly tell the journey “Susan” has been on. There were tears, lots of sweat and an admirable amount of determination and hard work, but today “Susan” is the role model for new patients. “Susan” has continued on here with an independent program twice weekly.

When patients see her working hard they wonder, “When will I be able to do that?” Can you tell just two years ago, she was wheelchair bound? Amazing! Thank you, “Susan” for being such an inspiration!

Trinity PT