
Working from home sounds like a great idea, right?

Yes!…. until that ache 😣in your lower back gives you the home office blues 😔.

There’s a reason most business offices aren’t equipped with recliners and couches. And it’s not to prevent mid-day naps. (Although one would argue that would be a great idea… see my last self care post on sleeping 😴)

It’s because your posture affects your body and your mood and your efficiency.

So get off your couch or favorite chair and into a chair with some back support. Follow the “Super WACK” recipe if your back is aching from too much sitting:

Super Superman 10 times each

W Wall leans- 10 sec. x 10

A Angel lunges- 20-30 sec. x 3 each leg

C Cobra- 10 sec. x 10

K Kick the ceiling- 30 sec. x 3 each leg

Bye bye blues! If that’s not enough, a virtual PT visit may be just what you need to setup your home office ergonomically.

Scheduling one is quick and easy: Click here.

Trinity PT