Various Stages of Bloom

Various Stages of Bloom

Nature is in a constant state of growth. 🌿🍂 Do you think a plant gives itself a hard time about not being at it’s fullest potential of bloom while it’s still growing? Of course not.🤦🏼‍♀️ We are all in various stages of bloom.🌸 Nature’s tendency is to allow it. Humans...


Zoom-itis is the discomfort (and eventually) pain that results from being in video meetings/classes all day long. And yet one more way #quarantine is affecting our daily lives. Follow the advice of DR. HSS to resolve this issue: D Doorway stretch R Rows H Hitchhiker S...

Cutting Cords

The last several weeks have uprooted habits and routines and set into motion all sorts of new dynamics- at home, at work, with students and clients I work with. And for someone who is sensitive and empathetic to other people’s energy, this has resulted in changes in...

The Internal Experience: Part 2

How many times have you thought, “I wish I had more energy?” Where do we get this elusive, abstract thing? 1st law of thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed  So how do you get more energy? Energy can’t be created or destryed...

The Power of Presence

Do you ever get stuck in your head?  It is certainly a lovely place full of roundabout logic, random thoughts, and worries about the future.  I know.  I go there often.  It’s quite addicting actually.   Add a society focused so hard on...
Trinity PT